You can fine the full list of rules here.
The parent and archer meeting 2021 will be at 6:30PM October 21st in the CCC, the same location as the tryouts. Here are a few notes for archers and parents:
Thank you to all of the archers and parents that came out this year. We have had more archers try out this year than we have ever before at well over 50. With so many archers and so much talent there were hard decisions that had to be made. The results of the tryouts were carefully considered this was not a simple and easy decision. We had a set number decided for how many archers we would be taking before tryouts began, but after we got the results we had to increase that number yet again. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.
There will be a Parent AND Team meeting on Thursday, October 21st. This will officially mark the start to the archery season! A few important notes for that meeting:
Thank you for your time and effort and congratulations to the 2021/2022 Bullitt East Archers! The list below is in alphabetical order by first name: Aiden Lucas Alex Schmidt Allen Gentry Andrew Gutierrez Beau Bradley Brandon Gutierrez Brian Brock Brock Billingsley Carolina Lejeuna Caroline Halfhill Chandler Deeley Cole Tennill Connor Mitchell Elijah Stansberry Emily Hendricks Evan Sexton Grace Willis Gracey Greenwell Harrison Stidom Jacob Campbell Jakob Gibson Jonah Clements-Mattingly Jonah Hollifield Joshua Hamaker Joshua Lehring Karissa Hudson Keatin Roach Kennedy Smith Layla Priddy Lucas Meredith Lukas Watson Michael Gentry Nathan Abell Nathan Mitchell Nolan Clan Rachel Laugerman Robert Ruziella Sophia Blanton Trey Holland Trinity Smith Trista Grant William "Bill" Miller Zachary Wethington |