This week there is a lot going on at the school, such as Halloween in the Halls, and as a result we have to cancel practice for Thursday. That means Thursday, October 27, there will be NO PRACTICE. This does not affect Monday or Tuesday practices.
Speaking on Monday's practice we will be starting those optional Monday practices this week. So far I have only a few people that have told me they would be attending Monday nights, so if you have not said something to one of the coaches then please do so sooner rather than later so we know how many to expect each Monday. Monday WILL NOT be split into 2 practices at the moment, so plan on being there 6:30-7:30 if you attend. This season has potential to be the best BE Archery has seen. We have a good group of kids, a solid coaching staff, and incredible parent support. I am incredibly eager to get this season rolling. Thank you! For those that missed the parent meeting: We absolutely MUST have a physical turned in ASAP if you have not already turned one in. Students cannot participate in any school sport without one on file. If your archer participates in another sport, then their physical turned in for that sport should be on file already, I do not need an additional copy, the office can provide that. Fees: $100 Archery Fee Checks should be made out to BE Archery and turned in before our first tournament Nov 18. $35 Athletic Fee Checks should be made out to Bullitt East High School, though this can also be paid on My School Bucks (small transaction fee applies via MSB). Communication: We have moved to a new Remind in order to solve some issues we had in our previous group. This was due to limits with the program and just needed to be done. New Remind Code: @BEArchers You can join by sending @BEArchers to 81010 and it will enroll you in text updates for our group. The two other main ways of communication are via this website and our FaceBook group: Bullitt East Archery Schedule: We do require archers to regularly attend both the Tuesday and Thursday practices each week. If you cannot make those 2 practices, then please speak with us and we will see what we can do. We also offer Monday practices in addition to the Tues/Thurs but this one is completely optional. It is meant to be used as an extra resource, not a replacement or alternative to the Tues/Thurs practices. Expectations: If you are sick, please stay home! This could be the flu, covid, strep, or any other illness, the expectation is that if you are not allowed at school, you are not allowed at practice. We want to keep everyone as healthy as we can and able to participate, so please be kind to your teammates and don't get them sick. Bingo is our main fundraiser and as such requires some input from us. Each archer should have 2 "spots" filled each season. The link is for bingo, please sign up if you have not already. If you have any questions about bingo please reach out via FaceBook and Lea will be able to answer bingo questions through there. Each year we host an annual tournament, sometimes 2, at BE. When we host these tournaments we need volunteers to work a variety of different spots as well as donate what we will sell as concessions. The list of what we need is sent out a while before each tournament and has deadlines for filling spots and bringing goods so please keep an eye out for that and sign up where you are able. Archers are also able to work the tournament and especially needed for setup and teardown, but there are a few exceptions for things they cannot do and those will be noted on the signup. We also have a dress code that needs to be followed. For the most part, if you cannot wear it to school then you cannot wear it to practice. A few archery specific requirements are:
Communication is key, please let us know as far in advance as possible that you will miss a practice or tournament. For tournaments especially, we still pay whether you show up or not, so if we have enough advance notice we can remove you from the tournament roster and not pay for your entry fee for that tournament, so please keep that in mind. Practices are from 6:70-7:30 and 7:30-8:30 on Tuesday/Thursday with an optional one on Mondays. For the Tues/Thurs we need to know what time works best for you if you have not already communicated this. Phones are not allowed on the shooting line, while scoring, or otherwise participating at practices/tournaments. This is a safety concern and is non-negotiable. If there is a reason you need to be on your phone, please let us know, otherwise it will be expected to leave it in the bleachers, bow case, backpack, ect. just not in your hand. One last thing to note is that we want to help each and every one of our archers shoot the best that they can. To do this we ask that parents please let us know if you think your archer is doing something wrong or has developed a bad habit or anything that you think requires further coaching, rather than trying to correct that yourselves. We understand you want to help but we think it is best for our archers to have that come from our coaching staff. This applies especially at tournaments, please do not suggest changes while your archer is shooting. I promise, it hurts more often that it helps. Practice is for change and learning, tournaments apply what we've practiced. I believe that encompasses everything we covered at the parent meeting. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
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